1. Aesthetic Minimalism and Technical Minimalism


    A recent submission to Hacker News was a website called Brutalist Websites, a showcase of other websites with a graphic style that one could define, well, ugly (by today's standards). Most of them also display some characteristics of this decade's design trend, namely minimalism.

    What actually distinguishes them from the …

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  2. Cambiare le impostazioni DNS sul router di Alice Tutto Incluso


    This (possibly cringeworthy) article is very old and part of Project Necromancy. Many of the opinions I held back then have changed. I'm keeping this only for "historical" interest, not necessarily because I agree with what I thought back then.

    Also consider that many of the included links (even the ones to the Internet Archive) are dead.

    Se possedete il router Pirelli fornito da Alice con l’offerta Tutto Incluso (quella che include ADSL flat, telefonia VoIP e Alice Home TV) forse vi sarete accorti che non è possibile modificare direttamente gli indirizzi dei DNS che volete usare al posto di quelli di default. Ebbene, un modo …

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  3. Approvata in Francia la cosiddetta 'Dottrina Sarkozy'


    This (possibly cringeworthy) article is very old and part of Project Necromancy. Many of the opinions I held back then have changed. I'm keeping this only for "historical" interest, not necessarily because I agree with what I thought back then.

    Also consider that many of the included links (even the ones to the Internet Archive) are dead.

    Signori, benvenuti nel Medioevo digitale! In una situazione degna di un romanzo di Gibson, viene approvato in Francia il testo della legge 331-24, ovvero la cosiddetta ‘Dottrina Sarkozy’. Quella per cui, dopo che si viene ‘pizzicati’ (per la spiegazione delle virgolette continuate a leggere) per tre volte a piratare file …

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  4. Jamendo premia i downloader


    This (possibly cringeworthy) article is very old and part of Project Necromancy. Many of the opinions I held back then have changed. I'm keeping this only for "historical" interest, not necessarily because I agree with what I thought back then.

    Also consider that many of the included links (even the ones to the Internet Archive) are dead.

    Siccome in Europa sembra impazzare la cosiddetta ‘Dottrina Sarkozy’, Jamendo decide di comportarsi esattamente al contrario, premiando i downloader di musica Creative Commons. Non mi dilungo troppo nei dettagli, dato che un post già fatto vale più di 100 post clonati ;-) quindi vi do direttamente il link. Buon download!

    PS …

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