1. Project Necromancy


    Looking at other people's blogs made me think about how long ago I started a blogging. I didn't have an answer, so I did what any reasonable person would do: I started looking for my (nick)name on search engines. By doing this I found at least two old blogs …

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  2. Going on information diet


    This (possibly cringeworthy) article is very old and part of Project Necromancy. Many of the opinions I held back then have changed. I'm keeping this only for "historical" interest, not necessarily because I agree with what I thought back then.

    Also consider that many of the included links (even the ones to the Internet Archive) are dead.

    After reading On Minimalism by Chris Eidhof, I decided I should slim down my computing experience. So I made a list of things to do to go minimal on my computer, to have less distraction and to find stuff I look for more easily.

    These are the steps I implemented …

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  3. On productivity and learning


    This (possibly cringeworthy) article is very old and part of Project Necromancy. Many of the opinions I held back then have changed. I'm keeping this only for "historical" interest, not necessarily because I agree with what I thought back then.

    Also consider that many of the included links (even the ones to the Internet Archive) are dead.

    My girlfriend is on vacation, so these days I have a lot of time to devote to my personal projects.

    So I decided to make a web application, and I decided to use Common Lisp for this task. That’s because I really want to learn Common Lisp and apply …

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  4. Jumping on the boat... too late


    This (possibly cringeworthy) article is very old and part of Project Necromancy. Many of the opinions I held back then have changed. I'm keeping this only for "historical" interest, not necessarily because I agree with what I thought back then.

    Also consider that many of the included links (even the ones to the Internet Archive) are dead.

    I think 2011 will be remembered (or not…) as the beginning of the Android market success era.

    I mean, after the Mobile World Congress held in Barcelona last February, more or less monopolized by Android devices, the open handset operating system seems to be on the way to becoming the …

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  5. Considerazioni sul C


    This (possibly cringeworthy) article is very old and part of Project Necromancy. Many of the opinions I held back then have changed. I'm keeping this only for "historical" interest, not necessarily because I agree with what I thought back then.

    Also consider that many of the included links (even the ones to the Internet Archive) are dead.

    Penso di essere stato esposto al linguaggio C per un periodo sufficiente da permettermi qualche considerazione basilare sul linguaggio e sul suo uso.

    La mia qualifica è, al momento, tecnico programmatore ma, ahimè, mi ritrovo ad essere più un tecnico che un programmatore. Ovvero devo solo aggiungere qualche pezzo e …

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  6. Riga di comando, piping e lezioni da imparare


    This (possibly cringeworthy) article is very old and part of Project Necromancy. Many of the opinions I held back then have changed. I'm keeping this only for "historical" interest, not necessarily because I agree with what I thought back then.

    Also consider that many of the included links (even the ones to the Internet Archive) are dead.

    Una cosa che i sistemi Unix ci insegnano e che Windows ci fa, invece, troppo spesso dimenticare, è la versatilità della riga di comando.

    Perché in Windows non proviamo l’impulso irrefrenabile, ogni tanto, di aprire il prompt di DOS, mentre farlo nei sistemi Unix ci da una così grande …

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  7. Scambiare due variabili senza una variabile d’appoggio


    This (possibly cringeworthy) article is very old and part of Project Necromancy. Many of the opinions I held back then have changed. I'm keeping this only for "historical" interest, not necessarily because I agree with what I thought back then.

    Also consider that many of the included links (even the ones to the Internet Archive) are dead.

    Ieri un mio collega mi ha sfidato a scambiare i valori di due variabili senza usare una variabile d’appoggio o una qualsiasi altra struttura dati.

    Non mi ero mai posto il problema, ma ho accettato la sfida. Non avevo una connessione, quindi non potevo barare. Dunque ho cominciato a …

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  8. Apre il sito del Mestre HackLab


    This (possibly cringeworthy) article is very old and part of Project Necromancy. Many of the opinions I held back then have changed. I'm keeping this only for "historical" interest, not necessarily because I agree with what I thought back then.

    Also consider that many of the included links (even the ones to the Internet Archive) are dead.

    Ieri sera io e Susanoo abbiamo messo su il sito per il Mestre HackLab. Si tratta di un wiki dove pubblicheremo tutte le iniziative del Lab, le guide relative agli argomenti trattati e tutto ciò che riguarderà l’iniziativa. E’ stato attivato anche l’indirizzo email (mestrehacklab@gmail.com) al …

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  9. Esperimento annullato


    This (possibly cringeworthy) article is very old and part of Project Necromancy. Many of the opinions I held back then have changed. I'm keeping this only for "historical" interest, not necessarily because I agree with what I thought back then.

    Also consider that many of the included links (even the ones to the Internet Archive) are dead.

    Ieri avevo provato a migrare KlezLab su Joomla, ma l’esperimento si è rivelato infruttuoso. Quindi KlezLab ritorna in forma di blog.

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  10. Tutorial: crittografare con gpg – Parte 2 – Esportare ed importare le chiavi


    This (possibly cringeworthy) article is very old and part of Project Necromancy. Many of the opinions I held back then have changed. I'm keeping this only for "historical" interest, not necessarily because I agree with what I thought back then.

    Also consider that many of the included links (even the ones to the Internet Archive) are dead.

    Nella prima parte del tutorial abbiamo imparato a generare una nostra coppia di chiavi. In questa lezione, invece, vedremo come rendere la nostra chiave pubblica disponibile al mondo esterno e come importare le chiavi pubbliche dei nostri contatti per poter inviare loro email crittografate.

    Esportare una chiave su file

    Per …

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