
About klez

I'm Federico klez Culloca, full-stack web developer, mes3hacklab co-founder, free software and privacy advocate, net enthusiast.

About klezlab

This blog is mostly a thought-dump. I may talk about free software advocacy, stuff related to my contributions to Mozilla as a volunteer, things I find interesting about coding, personal thoughts about the world.

It's incredible I have to specify this, but whatever I say on my website is my opinion, not that of anyone associated with me or of any organization I work or have worked for, unless otherwise specified.

Tip jar

If you like what you read you can leave a tip either via Dogecoin or Bitcoin


If you want you can drop me a line at klez hosted on klezlab.it (connect the dots and I'm sure you can figure out the actual address...).

In the past you would find a gpg key here, but since I'm dumb I deleted it during a reinstallation of the OS and forgot to backup it -.-

Federico klez Culloca Proud founder of mes3hacklab

