1. Aesthetic Minimalism and Technical Minimalism


    A recent submission to Hacker News was a website called Brutalist Websites, a showcase of other websites with a graphic style that one could define, well, ugly (by today's standards). Most of them also display some characteristics of this decade's design trend, namely minimalism.

    What actually distinguishes them from the …

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  2. Going on information diet


    This (possibly cringeworthy) article is very old and part of Project Necromancy. Many of the opinions I held back then have changed. I'm keeping this only for "historical" interest, not necessarily because I agree with what I thought back then.

    Also consider that many of the included links (even the ones to the Internet Archive) are dead.

    After reading On Minimalism by Chris Eidhof, I decided I should slim down my computing experience. So I made a list of things to do to go minimal on my computer, to have less distraction and to find stuff I look for more easily.

    These are the steps I implemented …

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